Featured in The Intrepid Snowmobiler

Why Carbides Are Important
Most trail riders have experienced this scary situation. It happens when your sled unexpectedly doesn’t go where you’re trying to steer. Worse case, you simply can’t count on predictable behavior from your snow machine anymore. To troubleshoot this dangerous concern, one place to start is under your skis.
Why? Because the more you go trail riding, the more your sled suffers from wear and tear. Frequently, the most damage happens to the carbide runners on your skis. They are the first part of your snowmobile to come into contact with any surface. As such, your ski runners take continual abuse from ground, gravel rocks and pavement. And with increased road-running due to trail closures in many areas, your carbide edges suffer more than ever.
Often, this abrasion occurs almost imperceptibly, while the operator increasingly struggles with progressively less effective front-end traction. This deteriorating grip is a significant factor in handling, control and cornering problems on the trails. By interfering with your ability to stick to the right side, it can also impact overall trail safety for everyone.
Unfortunately, many trail riders tend to overlook dull, and therefore, deficient carbides. Some riders simply don’t know the difference sharpening snowmobile carbides can really make. Others can’t be bothered changing them. And some don’t want to spend the money on new ones.
How To Help Preserve Your Carbides
Here are some simple measures to help prevent unnecessary carbide wear.
One, wherever possible avoid or minimize riding on bare asphalt or gravel.
Two, consider installing ski wheels for crossing bare surfaces.
Three, install ski guides in your snowmobile trailer or truck bed.
Four, try to load and unload your sled from a trailer on snow.
Five, when parking your sled inside a garage, use ski dollies, ski boots or a floor mat protector.
About BiteHarder
But regardless of how careful you are, your carbides will undoubtedly dull over time. Fortunately, thanks to a company aptly named BiteHarder, restoring a like-new edge to your carbides is simple. Bite Harder makes a do-it-yourself tool for sharpening snowmobile carbides. It’s designed for convenient use with your runners still attached to the skis. This tool comes in both Standard and Professional Series. They are available to purchase individually or together in a money-saving combo pack.
BiteHarder Carbide Sharpening Tool Standard Series
The Standard version is intended to maintain a sharp edge on your carbides. But be aware that trying to re-sharpen an excessively worn set of runners will prematurely wear this tool. This version is made for portability and use with cordless drills with maximum speed of 1,500 to 2,000 RPMs.
BiteHarder Carbide Sharpening Tool Professional Series
The Professional version is made to restore a sharp edge to your carbides, even if they are excessively worn. Note that this version is made for use with a pneumatic or electric die grinder with maximum speed of 10,000 RPMs. Using it at lowers speeds may shorten its usable life. The Professional is engineered for constant use, such as for avid riders, dealer service or families with numerous snow machines.
BiteHarder Benefits
By sharpening snowmobile carbides, BiteHarder brings three major benefits to snowmobile trail riders. One is increased safety from maintaining sharp edges. Two is saving money by extending carbide life. And three is better trails. Yes, better trails. Through its Better Traction-Better Trails program, this company contributes 10% of sales to support trail maintenance in participating states and provinces.
The Intrepid Snowmobiler even put our tools to the test.
But the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. So does a BiteHarder Carbide Sharpening Tool actually work? Visit their website to read more!