Snowmobiling Archives - Biteharder

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Thursday Dec 5, 2019

BITEHARDER Featured in Intrepid Snowmobiler Christmas Gift Ideas

Hung up on snowmobiler Christmas gift ideas for that special rider? The clock’s ticking, but it’s not too late to stimulate your brainwaves with my […]


Saturday Mar 31, 2018

Snowmobiling – It’s Not Just for Winter Anymore

Are you down because the days are getting longer and the snow is starting to melt? While North America may be thawing, snowmobiling doesn’t have to be just a winter sport. If you’re looking for a place to enjoy your favorite cold weather pastime, check out these top snowmobile destinations.


Saturday Mar 24, 2018

Top Snowmobiling Destinations Around the Globe

Maybe you’ve been snowmobiling in Vail, Jackson Hole, and Denali National Park, but you’re ready to go somewhere that requires a passport. Once snowmobiling gets in your blood, each destination becomes an adventure you can’t pass up. Here are some of the most intriguing winter landscapes around the world.


Wednesday Feb 28, 2018

Snowiest Places in the U.S. and Canada

Some of the snowiest locations in Canada and the United States are the places you’d expect. Anchorage Alaska has an average of 48 days of snowfall a year, and Quebec receives over 200 inches annually. However, if you’re looking for snow, you might be surprised where you’re most likely to find it. 


Tuesday Feb 20, 2018

Is Global Warming Affecting Your Snowmobiling Time?

Your opportunities for snowmobiling may be limited in the future. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says evidence for global warming is “unequivocal.” While this year the United States and Canada saw an early winter and stupendous riding, experts say climate change is already beginning to have an impact on recreation that involves snow.


Monday Jan 15, 2018

Our Top Picks for Places to Stay on Your Snowmobile Adventure

Before you embark on any snowmobile adventure, make sure you’re snowmobiles traction products are in top shape using BITEHARDER’s full line of sharpening tools. As your carbide runners and studs wear down, a trip on the trails becomes more dangerous and less enjoyable. Increase the effectiveness and performance of your sled over the life of your traction tools with BITEHARDER.


Thursday Dec 7, 2017

Why You Should Join Your Local Snowmobile Club

We all know that snowmobile clubs are responsible for the development and upkeep of the trails we get to ride each season. But these clubs are also tasked with protecting the trails and public lands, and your right to ride. In the December issue of SnowGoer magazine is a great article on the Top 10 Reasons To Join A Snowmobile Club. In case you missed it, below is the list included in the article.


Monday Oct 30, 2017

Getting Your Sled Ready for Winter

Get the best experience with your snowmobile by following these tips on how to get your snowmobile ready for the upcoming season. While the weather’s still mild, thoroughly wash your machine.  This will enable you to inspect your machine for any damage that may have been overlooked when you put it away last spring.


Sunday Jun 25, 2017

3 Simple Tips for New Snowmobile Owners

Snowmobiles are essential vehicles for those who enjoy the snow and the outdoors. If you live in the Snowbelt of the United States or Canada, you likely have access to one or several snowmobiling venues nearby. If you recently purchased a snowmobile or are considering purchasing one, we have a few tips for you to keep in mind.


Thursday Jun 15, 2017

Here’s What Should Be in Your Snowmobile Emergency Kit

Snowmobiles can help you enjoy the outdoors during the winter, but it’s important to ride with safety in mind. If you become stuck, stranded, or injured, the contents of your emergency kit could help save your life. Before setting out on your next snowmobile adventure, be sure you have these essential emergency items on hand.


Wednesday May 31, 2017

4 Things Not to Do with Your Snowmobile This Summer

Summer is here and for most people that means outdoor celebrations, vacations, warm beaches, and tan lines.  For snowmobilers, however, it’s a waiting game until we can un-retire our sleds.  At least, that’s the case for most snowmobilers. Some are having a hard time putting their sleds in storage this year. 


Friday May 19, 2017

5 Great Tips to Summerize Your Snowmobile

We at BITEHARDER, along with thousands of riders across the continent, deeply regret that summer is just around the corner. This means the time has come for us all to stow away our sleds until the snow returns. But retiring your sled until winter isn’t as simple parking it in your garage. Summerizing your sled (which is the seasonal opposite of winterizing) is one of the most important aspects of owning a snowmobile.


Wednesday Apr 26, 2017

Top 10 Adrenaline Junkies – Part Two

We at BITEHARDER are huge admirers of those who blur the lines athletics and insanity in extreme sports. Here is the second part of our list of Top Ten Adrenaline Junkies, complete with links to some of their craziest feats.


Monday Apr 17, 2017

Top 10 Adrenaline Junkies – Part One

We at BITEHARDER are huge admirers of those who blur the lines of athletics and insanity in extreme sports. Here is the first part of our list of the Top Ten Adrenaline Junkies of all time, complete with links to some of their craziest feats.


Monday Mar 20, 2017

Best Sledding Destinations in Canada

Among the many benefits of both visiting and living in Canada is superior sledding. And just like there are endless stretches of beaches in the Caribbean, there are countless snowmobile destinations in The Great White North. Here are just a few of our favorite Canadian trails.