BITEHARDER Featured in Intrepid Snowmobiler Christmas Gift Ideas - Biteharder

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BITEHARDER Featured in Intrepid Snowmobiler Christmas Gift Ideas

Hung up on snowmobiler Christmas gift ideas for that special rider? The clock’s ticking, but it’s not too late to stimulate your brainwaves with my alphabetical list of recommended products…

Snowmobiler Christmas Gift Ideas – Stocking Stuffers

Electric Visor Cord: Carrying a spare replacement ensures visor clear if the original cord breaks!

Hand-E-View Mirror: Allows a rider to see behind on a sled with no mirrors or if standard mirror is damaged!

Gorilla Tape: Great for temporary repairs of everything from broken windshields & cowlings to ripped pants, torn boots & broken zippers!

Magic Eraser: Removes unsightly marks on hood, cowling or snowmobile gear!

MAXFIT Gloves: Hi-tech thin gloves with sure grip protect hands when working outside. Also good for spring riding or for those who really like to feel their hand grips!

Medical Data Carrier: Affixing personal medical info to your helmet in this discreet weather-proof sleeve can help emergency responders save your life!

Toilet Tissue To Go: Compact wipes make life easier if you ever get caught short on the trail!

Snowmobiler Christmas Gift Ideas – Bigger Presents

BITEHARDER Carbide Sharpener: Improve trail safety by always riding with sharp edges & save by prolonging carbide life too!

FXR Recon Heated Gloves: Keep your hands warm & cozy while trail riding!

No Fog Mask: Original anti-fogging mask also protects face & neck from frostbite without feeling clammy!

SPOT X 2-Way Satellite Messenger: Bluetooth wireless technology keeps you connected & gets help without cell service!

Stuckmate Tool: No more pulling your guts out thanks to simple & easy extraction of your sled stuck in deep snow!

Tie Boss Tie Downs: Use 2 tie downs to quickly secure the back end of your sled in a pick up or trailer with no effort!

Trailmaster TekVest: Get ultimate protection against upper body injury, plus help keep your mobile devices warm!

Woody’s Navigators: Affixed to your ski tips, these ski protectors also reduce darting & shield carbides from hard objects!

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