Diamonds are a Sledder's Best Friend - Biteharder

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Diamonds are a Sledder’s Best Friend

This winter, when you drop down to one knee, remember there is never a substitute for diamonds.

This statement becomes especially true when you’re out in the elements on your snowmobile. And no, we’re not toting around high-end jewelry, but rather diamond coated Carbide Runner & Stud Sharpening tools from BiteHarder.

BiteHarder is currently revolutionizing the snowmobile industry by using our patented AdvantEdge technology to create incredibly sharp edges for your worn-down runners. The power behind our cordless drill bit applications comes from the strength of the hardest material on Earth – Diamonds!

Physical Properties
Diamond is the gold standard on both the Vickers and Mohs scales, each of with measure a material’s hardness. What makes diamonds so hard is their strong covalent bonds between its atoms, which are forged at incredibly high pressures and temperatures near the center of the Earth over millions of years. Diamonds are scratch resistant, too. In fact, the only way to scratch the hardest of diamonds is with an even harder diamond.

Compared to Carbides
Standard snowmobile carbide runners run between 8.5 and 9.5 on Moh’s hardness scale, which is twice as hard as steel and among the hardest chemical compounds known to man. With a range of applications and uses, carbide is extremely versatile for many different industries. Diamonds, though, are near a perfect 10.0 on the Mohs scale and can easily cut through carbide.

Our Application
When you apply our BiteHarder bit to the end of your cordless drill, your carbide runners and studs will meet the highest quality diamond cutting media for performance and longevity. So that means when you’re out in the snow with a sled that isn’t performing or handling as good as it could, you’ll be able to have a factory-grade edge in a matter of minutes.

And unlike diamonds, BiteHarder Tools won’t cost you an arm and a leg, either!

Get anyone of our sharpening tools before peak sled season is over by visiting our online store, and be sure to contact us if you have any questions.