Winters were made for snowmobiling. Today’s trail systems of wide, well-groomed trails let you experience winter from a whole new perspective. A rider can easily go 200 miles or more in a day. Gas stops, restaurants, and club houses are plentiful and full of friendly people when it’s time to rest.
Snowmobiling is, in some ways, an experience of man vs. nature. Riders can spend 8 to 12 hours a day in temperatures of negative 30 degrees—if they have the right gear. They can go as fast as 120 mph on a snowmobile, and these machines respond quicker on snow than a Ferrari does on pavement.
To obtain this level of performance and keep riders safe, traction products are crucial. Riding conditions can quickly change from fresh snow to packed powder, to ice, and even bare pavement. Traction products such as carbide runners and studs are necessary to help control the snowmobile when trail conditions change.
Carbide runners allow riders to have more stability and control over their machine despite hazardous conditions. Track studs assist with acceleration and deceleration. If riders didn’t have these products, turning, starting, and stopping would be nearly impossible on ice or packed snow.
Sadly, traction products don’t last forever. Carbide runners and track studs wear down over time, reducing their effectiveness. A new carbide runner can lose its edge within a day of riding, making turning a challenge—which can be a hazard on the best trail and a serious danger on a rough one.
A single trip through some rough terrain or a detour down a side road can quickly wear out a set of carbide runners, and replacements costs can cost hundreds of dollars a season. Snowmobilers needed a cost-effective way to stay on the trails without having to constantly replace their runners. Before BITEHARDER, and the ability to re-sharpen, replacing your traction products was the only option.
What makes Carbide perfect for snowmobiles also creates a challenge. It’s one of the hardest materials known to man, making it extremely difficult to work with. At BITEHARDER, we’ve designed and developed our tools with a material that’s even harder still: diamonds.
The first inspiration for BITEHARDER tools was a diamond-coated grinding tool used to sharpen carbide tooling used in the manufacture of machined components.
That first sharpening process took several hours, but when a snowmobile was taken on a test run with newly sharpened carbide runners, the fruits of our labor quickly became apparent. The new edges on the runners not only performed better than original factory edges, but they also lasted longer. This proved that carbide runners could be sharpened, but the method and tools needed refining.
The tools would have to be economical, easily manufactured, and simple enough to sharpen without taking them off the skis. Research into the potential market for such a tool quickly revealed that there was more than enough reason to move forward to further develop a solution.
Research and design for the tools included everything from learning about different types of carbide runners, which materials would be best for the tools, detailing a manufacturing process, and finding suppliers for the materials needed. Designs were created, CAD/CAM drawings were done, and numerous prototypes were made.
When the final version of the tool was set, it needed a name. Considering the extreme weather and challenges of snowmobiling, BITEHARDER seemed most appropriate. A patent application was submitted and the process of bringing the tools to the market began. Expert manufacturers, marketers, and other business partners came together to make BITEHARDER Tools a reality.
BITEHARDER Tools solve basic problems for snowmobilers, save them money, and increases their performance and safety on the trail. There’s no better feeling to a snowmobiler than running on newly sharpened carbide runners and studs. Whether on trail or off, these tools mean snowmobilers can ride with more freedom and more safety.
The STD Series Carbide Runner Sharpening Tool is used with any cordless drill to create an edge which, with the patented AdvantEDGE™ Technology, outperforms factory sharpened edges. This fresh edge can go on carbide runners without removing them from the snowmobile.
BITEHARDER’s new “Side Support Pole” does just what the name says: it gives side support to your ride from any angle to make sharpening runners and studs even easier.
BITERHARDER’s PRO Series Stud Sharpening Tool can sharpen the studs on a track in 30 minutes, allowing riders to quickly ready the snowmobile and hit the trail with an edge that will bite deeper into any surface encountered.
Stay stylish and warm against the elements with BITEHARDER’s exclusive apparel line. Explore all the BITEHARDER’s products that keep you riding despite unpredictable weather and hazardous terrain. Check out the STORE link on our website, which has images, videos, and descriptions of our products.
The new “12 Volt Carbide Grinder” can sharpen runners using only a snowmobile’s battery. Its size makes it simple to carry with you and it takes sharpening carbide runner convenience to a whole new level.
Stay sharp with BITEHARDER AdvantEDGE™ today. Our tools and gear mean the ultimate ride in any conditions. Trust “our performance” for your “best performance” on the trail.